Non-Astounding Teaching Techniques to Promote Aural Comprehension

In our California schools, we find great diversity in our classes. Among the many types of students in our classes, we may encounter students who are deaf or hearing impaired. Moreover, in most, if not all classes, there are students who are non-native speakers of English. Being a non-native speaker of English also means being a non-native listener of English. As a teacher of English as a second language, I have the privilege of teaching non-native speakers of English every day. In addition, I am occasionally challenged by the opportunity to teach non-native speakers of English who are also deaf or hearing impaired. I will demonstrate a variety of teaching behaviors found in classrooms throughout the schools (perhaps across the nation and beyond) with a recommendation of some to avoid and others to perform. When delivering a lecture (or otherwise presenting material to students), here's some advice to follow.

Avoid the following behaviors:

Perform the following behaviors:


In summary, speak clearly. Let the students see your lips. Use body language. Invigorate your words with expression and enthusiasm. In short, you're on stage, so be a performer! Native speakers and non-native speakers of English, hearing and hearing impaired students, will all benefit from your clarity.

Marsha Chan's Presentations